Tone Your Bones
Which exercises are best?

Any weight-bearing exercises- jogging, dancing, hiking, step aerobics, and yes, walking- that requires you to support your body weight is effective. Activities such as cycling or swimming are not considered weight-bearing because some or all of your weight is being supported by the bike or water. That doesn’t mean that those exercises don’t also benefit bones.

Physical activity strengthens bones in two ways, through impact and muscular contraction. Impact is the amount of force placed on a bone, such as when your foot hits the ground as you walk, run or jump. Increases in, or new types of, impact spur the bones to get stronger. That’s why a variety of activities is so helpful.

Muscle contractions, such as those that occur during swimming or cycling, help build bones, too. Since muscles are attached to bones, they pull on them when they contract. The higher the exercise intensity, the more the muscles pull and the stronger the muscles and bones become.

Another great way to "beef up your bones" is with resistance training (weight lifting).

Prevention/ January 1999