One of our biennium objectives, as stated at the Alpha Iota State (Michigan) Strategic Planning workshop in the area of membership is to secure and maintain an active, involved membership.

This year we are asking you to seek out interested colleagues and present them to our chapter for membership this February. Delta Kappa Gamma offers collegiality, professional and personal growth, and an opportunity to make a global difference in education.

Prospective members need to know of the significant projects undertaken by the Society. The 1996-2000 International Project is "A Safe and Caring Environment" and its many manifestations:

The 1998-2000 Delta Kappa Gamma Educational Foundation include:

Included with the newsletter is the Recommendation for Membership form needed in order to present a new member. Bring the completed form to our February meeting. Gamma Alpha needs your support.

Marie Canzoneri,

Membership Chairman