
Minutes of Business Meeting September 11, 1996

I. Call to Order:7:15 p.m.

II. Minutes from the Executive Board Meeting, June 18, 1996, were read and approved.

III. Treasurer’s Report: Grace reported a balance of $5096.12 and informed us that if we kept to similar budget standards as in the past years, we would have to either increase dues, or do fund-raising activities. The main area of concern is the Scholarship Fund, which needs enough money in it to produce interest, that we can use for scholarship amounts. Susie Miller introduced a motion to increase dues for all members by $23.00, seconded by Marcia Scarr. Motion passed unanimously.

IV. Corresponding Secretary: Jackie Smart sent an article to the Wolverine for possible publication.

V. Unfinished Business: The sign-up folder for committee work was passed.

VI. Committee Reports

VII. New Business: None

VIII. Announcements:

IX. Adjournment: 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Foster

Recording Secretary